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Typhoon Page 4

  Still, if the Brotherhood ever found out he was half-vampire, it’d all be over. There was no way any of them, even the most loyal, would ever accept a half-vampire shifter as their alpha.

  His mind flashed to Mia and the look of heady lust in her eyes as he'd pressed her to the wall. It was the least of his concerns, but if she knew his heritage, she'd never want him to touch her again. It was simply a matter of fact. Shifters and vampires were sworn enemies. He'd never be tolerated if the truth of his birth ever got out. Rather, he’d be dead by the end of the week.

  Would his father rat him out? Typhoon didn’t know. He doubted it, but there was no telling. It wasn’t as though he knew the vampire at all.

  Typhoon reached the city quickly. He let out a deep breath, and his body relaxed. It was over. His father had been strengthened, and he'd go back on his merry way. In the meantime, Typhoon had to find the family of campers his father had rescued and take care of them. They were his highest priority at the moment.

  Mia crossed his mind once more. He couldn’t tell her everything that had happened that night, of course, but some information might be necessary. An explanation as to why he had to leave so abruptly, for example.

  His phone rang, and Typhoon cursed. If that was him again…

  When he pulled to the side of the road to answer, it wasn’t his father. It was Twister. “We’ve had an attack,” he yelled over the shouting and pained screams. “We got two vampire bites. Headed for Mia’s clinic right now.”

  Typhoon cursed again. “I’ll meet you there.”

  He hung up and dialed Mia, drumming his fingers against the handles of his bike as he waited, ring by ring. Finally, she answered. “There was an attack,” he snapped at her, noting her disgruntled tone but not caring. “Get to the clinic, ASAP.”

  “I’ll be there,” Mia promised and hung up.

  Typhoon wheeled his bike around, the whole business with his father forgotten—for the time being. There were more important things to do. He revved the engine as he headed for the clinic.

  Chapter Five


  Having sent Gracie home earlier, it was impossible to get another sitter on such short notice. Mia hated bringing Jasper to the clinic after a biting attack, but what other choice did she have? She couldn’t just leave him at home. No, the best thing to do was to bring him along and get one of the less-wounded men to sit in the car with him while she looked over the injured.

  She arrived at the clinic to find a jumble of motorcycles already on the lawn. Her eyes were drawn to the fire-engine red one parked next to the curb. Typhoon was already there. She pulled her car onto the side of the street opposite the clinic and got out. There was a tall, thin shifter waiting outside for her. He loped over as soon as she jumped from the vehicle. It was Harry, one of the shifters she'd trained for on-site first aid. He was a good, trustworthy shifter.

  “We have two bites and several chest and abdominal gashes.”

  Mia nodded as she glanced at him. There wasn't a speck of blood on him. “Were you injured?” she asked, just to make sure.

  He shook his head.

  “Good.” She tossed him her keys. “My son is sleeping in the back. There's a bottle ready for him in the diaper bag if he wakes up. Do not bring him into the clinic, understood?”

  Harry's eyes widened. “What?”

  “If it looks like someone has gone rabid out here, get away. Just drive and leave, understood?” Mia narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips. “I'm trusting you with my baby's safety. Don't let me down.”

  Harry looked at the car nervously, but he swallowed down whatever other protests he might have and nodded bravely. He slid into the car, and Mia took a single moment to doubt herself before turning on her heel. There wasn’t a place for self-doubt. She knew Harry well enough, and it wasn’t like she could bring Jasper into the clinic with her to face whatever violence might be inside.

  She raced for the clinic, bursting in to the smell of blood and sweat. It was an even bloodier mess than it had been the night before. Various members moved around, patching up each other’s small wounds. Mia’s gaze swept over them before Typhoon barreled through the doors leading to the examination rooms.

  “Hurry,” he snapped at her. “Where do you keep your vamp blood?”

  Ingesting vampire blood was the only sure-fire way to neutralize the venom from a vampire bite. It was stomach-churning but better than the alternatives. Mia raced into the back. Even injuries bleeding heavily weren’t as important as vampire bites. If it went untreated for too long, the bitten shifter would turn rabid and kill others. Then it wouldn’t matter who'd been patched-up—everybody was a target.

  Typhoon kept on her heels as she unlocked her office and moved to the fridge where the vampire blood was kept. She pulled out a couple of pints and passed them to the alpha, who nodded brusquely and rushed off, and she locked the room again to ensure the others didn’t get into the store of drugs she kept onsite. When she was done, Mia raced to help him.

  Typhoon was already in the rabid room, where two young-looking shifters were strapped to metal tables that were bolted to the floor. They thrashed as blood foamed at their lips. Mia’s gaze slid over their faces. If she knew who they were, she might risk an emotional reaction, and there was no place for emotion right now. She needed to get them taken care of.

  “Get away,” one of them snarled at Mia as she approached with a nasal tube.

  Typhoon had already ripped one of the bags open and was forcing the contents down the shifter’s throat, holding his long muzzle open with two fingers inserted between sharp teeth. Mia took a slightly different approach, injecting the second one with drugs to put him out and feeding a tube through his nose and into his stomach before administering the blood. Slowly, the shifters' thrashing ceased.

  “Take this,” Mia ordered Typhoon, thrusting the bag she'd been holding into his hands. “Since you wasted ninety-percent of that one, I’ll have to get more.”

  He sent her a half-glare but didn’t argue. The blood coating the other shifter’s face and Typhoon’s arms was testament enough to the wastage. Mia ran back to get more bagged blood. She returned to put a nasal tube into the other shifter before pumping the blood directly into his stomach. Both boys soon looked much better.

  Mia wiped her hands and turned to the door while Typhoon held both bags up to keep the blood flowing. “I’m going to check on everybody else,” she called over her shoulder. “I’ll send someone to help.”

  She rushed back to the main room where pandemonium reigned. Mia leaped onto the front desk, wincing as her braless breasts yanked on her chest and back. She cupped her hands around her mouth and let out a wordless shout to quiet them.

  “You.” She pointed at Brandon, an eagle shifter she knew relatively well. “Is this everybody?”

  “No. We had two men get gut wounds, and I had them taken into rooms one and two already. We’re trying to figure out who is worst wounded.”

  Yet another time when her nurse would have been helpful!

  She pointed to an electrocardiographic heart monitor. “Do you know how to use that machine?”

  Brandon shook his head.

  “Okay. Old school way: check people’s pulses. Below sixty beats, they get top priority. If they’re spurting blood, tie off the limb as best you can and move them to a room. Anybody who can’t answer their names, the date, or their mother’s name, come get me. Anybody passes out, come get me. And call 9-11. This is too many people for me to patch up on my own.”

  There were a few shocked looks from around the room, but Mia didn’t waste time on that. Instead, she jumped down and raced to the two rooms where the gut wounds were. The first one wasn’t too bad. A lot of blood had drained from of his body, but there were no injuries in the gut itself.

  The second one, though…It looked like a vampire had gone to town in his gut with a meat grinder.

  Mia grabbed the operating utensils, hooked him up to drugs to
put him out and began working to stabilize him. It felt it took hours to clean, stitch, and put things back where they belonged. Her tiger paced, tasting the blood on her tongue. Her patient wasn’t going to make it—she sensed it somewhere in the back of her mind. He was bleeding out, and she didn’t have the O negative blood for which he'd tested.

  The thrill of fear wrapped up her spine as she looked at the pale face. It was Andy. Her hands faltered for the barest moment before the door to the room burst open. Mia jumped, whirling on her heel. A woman in a skin-tight dress and perfect makeup was standing in the doorway, eyes wide and terrified.

  Roxy. Andy’s sister…and his blood type. She'd donated before.

  Mia didn’t waste any time explaining. There was no way she’d be able to roll up those sleeves. “Get out of that dress, and sit in the chair next to him.”

  Thankfully, Roxy didn’t argue. She ripped her dress off, even as her mate, Josef, appeared in the doorway behind her. Mia told him what to get from the stores behind her and had him prepare Roxy for giving blood before rounding the table and starting the transfusion.

  “As soon as she starts getting pale, close it like this.” She demonstrated by flicking a valve on the transfusion tube. “Understood?”

  Josef nodded and crouched down, hands at the ready, while Roxy closed her eyes. The blood pumped from her body into her brother’s, and Mia returned to her work. More blood gushed into her patient's wounds, and she struggled to close it all. At one point, there was the noise of paramedics in the hallway, but Typhoon’s deep, rumbling voice prevented them from interrupting her.

  By the time Mia had finished and let herself glance at the clock again, it was nearly five in the morning. She swayed on her feet as she went out to speak with Roxy and Josef, both of whom she had sent away as soon as Roxy could give no more. They stood glaring at Typhoon. Tears coursed down Roxy’s face.

  Mia marched between them, ignoring the tension in the air. “Josef, take Roxy home to your baby. Andy won’t benefit by having her fall down.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Roxy snapped.

  There was no point in arguing that. “Fine. Take a room, get some sleep. Everybody else was moved to the hospital?”

  Typhoon frowned at her. “Yes. I’m going to have one hell of a time explaining this one, though.”

  “Explain away, I don’t give a damn.” Mia glared at him. “If I hadn’t had the humans called in, we’d have had deaths. Hell, Andy still isn’t out of the woods. One person isn’t enough to deal with all this. Now, I have to go check on my son.”

  She stormed out of the clinic, exhaustion breaking through her body.

  Harry was sitting in the back seat, holding an empty bottle and looking utterly exhausted. Relief broke over his face when he saw her. Mia thanked him and brought Jasper into the clinic. When she started to yawn, Roxy silently took the car seat and grasped Mia’s arm.

  “Go get showered and get some rest yourself. Josef and I will look after the baby.”

  Mia was too tired to argue. She nodded. Mia checked on the two bite victims, to find them resting peacefully, and she made her way to the shower. After she'd stripped down and stepped into the warm water, she thought about curling up in the small space at the bottom of the shower and taking a soggy nap. Just as she'd decided to do it, there was the noise of the door opening.

  Through the filmy curtain around the shower she saw a hulking form that could only belong to Typhoon. “I’m joining you,” he rumbled.

  Mia thought about sending him away on principle alone. He didn’t get to just decide these things on his own! However, left on her own, she was afraid she might fall over, so she scooted over a little and opened the curtain invitingly.

  Typhoon undressed. Dark bruises circled his eyes. Mia admired his body, feeling distant and unattached to her own.

  When he stepped in, and his body brushed against hers, she was well aware of the feel of his skin on hers.

  Typhoon pressed her against the wall, his gaze deep, dark, and demanding. His hands clasped her hips and pulled her forward, telling her—without words—exactly what he was about to do with her body.

  Heat coiled in her core. Tingles brushed over her skin. Her lips parted slightly.

  Typhoon leaned forward, lingering inches from her lips. “He fucked up.”

  “What?” It was the last thing Mia expected to hear. Her hands curled around Typhoon’s thick biceps, only half-hearing what he was saying.

  “Twister. He fucked up. Big time. I tell him he doesn’t have the necessities to be an alpha, and he immediately rounds up his gang and goes after a coven hidden in the city. Of course, his sister and Hurricane blame me for it. He wasn’t supposed to do that.” Typhoon pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. The shower ran over his head, plastering his dark hair to his skull and dripping over his face and onto hers. “And what's even worse: I’m going to have to oust him.”

  Mia gasped. “You can’t be serious.”

  Typhoon’s hands gripped her hips more tightly. “Being alpha means I have to make the hard decisions. This was his fault. His stupidity. Please.” The word sounded so alien on his lips, it silenced Mia’s protests. “You’re not my mate. I don’t want a mate. But right now, I want to be inside you. I want to fuck you until I can’t tell where you start and I end.”

  He opened his mouth again, desire and a rare vulnerability raging in his eyes. Mia’s hands tightened around his neck. Her gaze pierced into his. She nodded, without saying a word. The lengthy operation, the fear of losing a patient and a friend, and so much more had built up in her, and she wanted that peace of mind, too. She'd never seen Typhoon like this before, and she had the feeling she never would again.

  A soft, shuddering sigh escaped Typhoon’s lips. His tight grip on her hips loosened, and he started to move his hands up and down her body, tracing over her wet skin. His fingers played over her soft stomach, hid beneath her heavy breasts, tested the strength of her ass. Mia kept her hands on his biceps, thinking that if she moved too quickly, he’d fly away like a bird, and she’d never touch him again.

  His lips were hesitant against hers, even as the heat swirled hotter in her core. Mia slowly brought her arms up to wrap them around his neck, then dug her fingers into his hair and pulled him down closer. His tongue breached her mouth, and it was like a whole different person took over.

  Mia gasped as Typhoon pushed her against the back wall of the shower. One of his hands moved to her thigh, lifting it over his hip as his lips curled back into a snarl. His huge body pressed against hers. His length rubbed against her clit as he ground into her. She felt him getting bigger and harder, and she stifled her gasp with another kiss.

  He reached beside them and turned the water to a cooler temperature. Mia shivered at first, but as he lifted her, continuing to grind against her clit, she understood why. Heat flashed over her skin. It sizzled at the edges and sunk deep into her flesh. She cried out, then immediately slapped a hand over her mouth as her cheeks turned bright red.

  Typhoon grinned at her, adjusting her so he could slide a finger into her. A shudder racked down her spine. She clung tighter to him and let out another strangled cry.

  “Let yourself go. Make a little noise,” he told her.

  Mia shook her head and glared at him, which was hard to do with his large finger sliding in and out of her and his thumb lazily circling her clit. “They’ll hear,” she hissed

  “Roxy and Hurricane are passed out,” Typhoon replied, raising a brow. “And so is everybody else in this clinic. I locked the front door. If the baby wakes up, he’s got people to take care of him. You don’t have to worry about making a little noise.”

  Well, since he'd said it in that tone, she wasn’t about to make a single noise. Served him right, too! She pressed her lips together resolutely and shook her head.

  Typhoon paused, making her tense, and then he pulled away from her.

  “What are you doing?” she cried out.

Typhoon jumped, startled, then chuckled. “I thought you wanted me to stop.”

  “When did I say that?”

  He shrugged. “Guess when you shook your head, I took it as a no.”

  Mia harrumphed. Since he wasn’t touching her anymore, she started to rub her body against his, sighing in delight when his hardness connected with her clit at just the right angle. “I was saying no to making a lot of noise.”

  Typhoon groaned. His eyes pinched shut for a moment, then he pushed her against the wall again. His mouth came to hers, crashing together in a series of snarls and groans as he thrust madly against her, as though he were already inside. The friction sent bolts of pleasure shooting through her body so strongly, she couldn’t help but cry out again while clinging to him for support.

  “If you won’t make noise,” he growled, “then I will!”

  He was true to his word. Mia clawed at his back as he took a step back and entered in one swift thrust, sending bursts of pleasure tinged with the slightest bit of pain. Somehow, the stitch of pain made the whole thing that much more pleasurable. He continued to thrust, lips curled back from his teeth, his growls growing louder and louder.

  Mia stared into his glittering eyes as he battered her body, the cold water spraying between them. Her core tightened and throbbed. Her cries came almost as swiftly as his.

  Typhoon dropped his forehead to hers, pressed a long kiss to her lips, and drew forward a howl.

  Mia’s back arched. Her head slammed against the shower, only to come forward and slam back. This time, Typhoon caught it in one hand and pulled her closer to him. Her whole body writhed, and yet somehow, he continued to hold her up as though she weighed nothing.

  He thrust harder, his teeth nipping at her shoulder. “Scream for me, darling. Scream my name.”

  Mia was only too happy to obey. All the muscles inside of her clamped down and what small hold she had on reality fleeted away. She screamed his name, again and again as first one wave poured over her and then another and another. Her arms went limp, her spine sagged, and Typhoon grunted. He pressed her against the wall again, his thrusts becoming gentler and gentler until he slowly lowered her back down. She could hardly support herself as she panted and shoved her sopping hair away from her eyes.